Blog posts December 2010

Gifts For Runners

These posts are probably bias towards my own personal wants, but best to share to give others some ideas! 

Gifts for runners... Pretty much everything running-related is expensive. Even the socks are expensive... Ick! That said, I present to you an unordered list:

  • Running socks. These are wicking socks, sometimes with extra support. 
  • Compression socks: Usually knee-high socks with extra support for runners.
  • Running shoes... Include a gift receipt! Runners are super picky, but it is the thought that counts :)
  • Running skirts for the ladies (,
  • Athletic shirts and/or sports bra tops. 
  • Running leggings. (CW-X makes *awesome* leggings, but cost a very pretty penny.)
  • Rehydration and/or fuel belt.
  • iPod, Shuffle, or other music stuffs.
  • Headphones (go cheap).
  • Vaseline and/or Body Glide.
  • Garmin watch (oh how I wish I had one of these babies!)
  • Subscription to a running magazine. 

This is just a start created from the top of my head while I sit here with my morning coffee. Nom, nom, nom. 

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Christmas Gifts for Nurses

Nurses are actually pretty easy to shop for... I think.  Regardless of your budget, too! 

Let's start off with small gifts:

  • Pens. Black pens for day and evening shift workers, red pens for night shifters. They don't have to be expensive pens at all; just having a pen that works is good. We're always losing pens. 
  • Watches. Make sure there is a second hand that is easily readable for when we have to count pulses or respirations.
  • Travel coffee or tea mug.
  • Foot pampering products... Lotions, foot soaks, cooling sprays, pedicure gift certificates. 

Medium gifts:

  • Compression stockings. They help prevent varicose veins, sore muscles, and so forth. They're awesome to have, but are a bit expensive to shell out for, ergo they are a perfect gift. 
  • Scrub jackets. 


Big gifts:

  • Foot spa... Tread carefully here. I'll be blunt, if it's under one hundred bucks, it's probably a bad foot spa. If it says "heated water," it's probably lying unless it is a Helen of Try foot spa. I shelled out a pretty penny (a little less than $200 after S&H) for this foot spa, but it was so worth it! 
  • Shoes. Obviously!  Do not get crocs as they are a sure way to lose any worker's compensation battles should you hurt yourself while on the job wearing these shoes. Runners that are closed (i.e. no mesh parts or open areas) and white are generally accepted in most work places in BC. 
  • Portable DVD player for a night shift worker :P  
  • Sleep Tracker watch. These are a little expensive, but are certainly worth it, especially if your nurse is a shift worker that works days, evenings, and/or nights. 

That's just a quick brain storm for you to start with! :D

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